Sunday, March 28, 2010

the single most powerful question you can ask

Read this...

then, this:

what if?
what if I listened more?
what if I went back to school?
what if I mentored a young girl?
what if I gave away more of my income?
what if I bought a guitar and wrote some songs?
what if I went to India?
what if I wrote some every day?
what if I took an acting class?
what if I ran a half-marathon?
what if I talked with a therapist?
what if I learned how to sew?
what if I ate more raw foods?
what if I decided to stop eating meat?
what if I told my story?
what if I stopped being jealous?
what if I found a place to serve at my church?
what if I planted a garden?
what if I recycled more?
what if I got a tattoo?
what if I called an old friend?
what if I visited Texas more often?
what if I helped to plant a church?
what if I told people how I felt about them?

hmm -- good thought/writing fodder! now, your turn.


anjuli said...

<3 it, inspirational!

Michelle said...

posts like this remind me why i treasure our friendship! :) <3