"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Matthew 13
I think that, sometimes, the most unexpectedly good gifts aren't readily visible. As in Jesus' parable, goodness often hides beneath layers of dirt, undiscovered but for a man or woman's stumbling upon it and recognizing it as possessing value. I'll be honest: usually, I'm too lazy to be bothered with the digging.
My prayer, these days, is for grace: to dig deeper when God's goodness isn't immediately apparent, and to have eyes that recognize beauty and glory in unexpected places.
giving thanks for his treasures.
0081. tulips that look like s p r i n g. <3
0082. deep conversation on the T
0083. being witness to great talent (in my own friends, no less!)
0084. singing and sharing communion with fellow believers
0085. spicy Mexican food
0086. less spicy (but just as tasty!) tapas
0087. cruising down the highway
0088. hot apple spice tea, brewed double-strength
0089. tealights in a row
0090. Christmas cards, still taped up in late January
0091. shearling moccasins
0092. red brick sidewalk + stilettos
0093. the Psalms, and Job's story
0094. goosebumps
0095. good memories of people, places, and experiences
0096. clean dishes
0097. running into people who I know around the city
0098. a blue bowl with tart green apples
0099. a high in the 50s tomorrow!
0100. the opportunity to work with each of my clients (and getting to #100 on this list!)
Love your post today! You have moved me and encouraged me to be thankful for the little things :O) ! I love you!
Have you read "Return of the Prodigal Son" by Henri Nouwen?
In one of his chapters he talks about this very thing. He calls this little things - "seemingly insignificant" encounters yet they are VERY significant!
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